Saturday 16 January 2016

Guitar amp and cab switching

Another year slips anchor (happy new year to you) and despite a glitch that prevented us publishing a video in Dec (the flu since you asked), we are back in the saddle and our Microphone Electronics video is imminent. 

We posted before about the advantages of using multiple guitar heads and a single cab to maximise the limited space we all have in our home studios, but the arrival of new Blackstar and Marshall heads at our regular filming studio, to augment existing Hughes & Kettner and Fender devices, presented the owner with a new problem, compounded by the fact that the 4 heads are all valve powered. 

As the guitarists among us will know, valve amps need to be powered up 15 minutes before use to ensure they reach optimum temperature, but they must also be connected to a load, either a speaker cab or power soak device to prevent damage to the power amp. (An exception is those that have a "silent recording" line out that still operates when the amp is in standby mode with the pre-amp active and the power amp disabled).

Thus, switching quickly between heads becomes problematic. Moving the cab/speaker lead between amps is a minor inconvenience but waiting for amps to heat up spoils any chance of meaningful comparisons when searching for a sound, and definitely interrupts the creative flow.

What is required is a multiple amp power soak device that interconnects amps and cabs and presents a safe load to any amp not currently connected to a cab. There are a couple of well known solutions available for switching between a couple of amps and cabs, but no comprehensive solutions.

That is until one of our team spotted a device being used by a well known guitarist and YouTuber. The Kahayan 4x4 and 8x4 Selectors allow you to connect up to 4 cabs and 8 amps and switch between any combination safely. The company are based in Spain and although they don't appear to have distribution to all territories, there are contact email addresses on their website.

The prospect of being able to swap instantly between different amps when looking for the perfect tone for a song is mouth watering to some of us (particularly those of us who make an involuntary sound whenever we get up and down or have to reach around the back of equipment!).

If anyone is already using one of these devices, please share your experiences. Meanwhile with Christmas still burning a hole in our pockets, many of us may have to wait for the next birthday!

Thanks for watching and reading.



  1. As I'm not a guitar player and never have more than one amp in the studio at a time, I had not run across this issue (and didn't know about it, honestly). Thanks for the very useful info. As always, you've given me more information that I knew I needed. Happy New Year, Fairfax!

    1. Thanks for your comment Matthew. There are so many great and affordable head amps available now, we think this issue may become more and more relevant!

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